A fun gadget to let your customers measure UV radiation and show them how quickly they actually need to apply sunscreen (even if it's cloudy or still early in the season). Depending on the amount of UV radiation, the UV-sensitive part of the card will turn lighter or darker in color. It can be used multiple times.
Sun Tattoo UBV-Alert:
A fun gadget to let children (or adults, of course!) measure UV radiation and show them how quickly they actually need to apply sunscreen (even if it's cloudy or early in the season). Depending on the amount of UV radiation, the tattoo will turn lighter or darker purple in the sun. If the skin is protected with sunscreen, the tattoo will remain transparent.
For sale in your institute, price for 3 pieces (can only be ordered per 3).
Sun cream for the body with a high factor that protects the skin against ..
For sale in your institute, only to be ordered per 3.
Sun protection in spray form with a high factor that protects the skin against UVA and UVB rays..
A fun gadget to let children (or adults, of course!) measure UV radiation and show them how quickly they actually need to apply sunscreen (even if it'..
A fun gadget to let your customers measure UV radiation and show them how quickly they actually need to apply sunscreen (even if it's cloudy or still ..